Thursday, 30 May 2013

Conversations for Learning

As I completed my Masters of Education in Administration and Leadership degree, I had the privilege of hearing Bruce Beairsto speak about leadership in schools, as a "dance between a manager and leader". In my grad program we focused on "leadership," almost to the extent where I had discarded the role of a manager completely—I won’t manage, I will lead! This is what I would repeat to myself. Beairsto’s framework, the two faces of an administrator, clarified my understanding of the fine balance between a manager (masterful so errors and pitfalls do not occur; reliable the scripts at play for efficient running and operations of the school; certain making people feel confident; and boss taking charge of crisis(es) and managing well), and a leader (intimate-fully engaged in a personal way; playful-learning through their engagement and exploration; curious-unscripted behaviour and experimental in nature; and colleague-support). As a leader, I understood these two faces of an administrator to be a paradox—it is never going to be a simple or clear career, free of tension. In some sense this is a relief to know!

To know "the division of experiences along the continuum is not necessarily the point as much as embracing the tensions and complexity for better understandings and eventually professional growth," as stated by Snow-Gerono (2008) gives me hope and belief in the future. After digesting this helpful information, I believe collegiality, the working together of many to achieve the same goal, is the cornerstone, for future development in the educational realm. Working together, learning from experienced educators, sharing visions, and collaborating, enhances teacher’s attitudes and improves ones interpersonal skills used to interact in a more demanding society.

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